Thanks Romanche and Marinelli!

Feb 12, 2016 1:09:12 PM

Romanche and Marinelli Zodiac

In order to reach the different shore landing points that we visit on our routes, our expedition cruise ships are equipped with a small fleet of Zodiacs. These rubber boats are versatile, very safe and able to navigate even among the icebergs that we encounter at some of our landing points.

However, like many things in life, the Zodiacs have a limited lifespan. They can be overhauled and repaired many times, but eventually they will reach the end of their usability. You should know that each one of our Zodiacs has a name. A few weeks ago, two of them were sent into “retirement” after almost 10 years in service: “Romanche” and “Marinelli” (both named after glaciers we visit during our cruises). As a crewmember you come to appreciate— and feel a certain affection for — both the Zodiacs and the places for which they are named. Sometimes they feel as familiar as your fellow crewmembers.

But new ones always come along. To replace these two we now have “Pia” and “Parry” (named for two of the fjords along our routes). Both of them have already been welcomed as new “members” of our crew.

But as they ride off into the sunset, we have to give one last thanks to “Romanche” and “Marinelli for all of the marvelous rides they gave us over the years.

Marcelo Gallo R.

Written by Marcelo Gallo R.

Expedition Director — Marcelo was born in Santiago de Chile, but has chosen to live in the Magallanes region. He started working for Australis in 2009. After a two-year break, he returned in 2011 to guide our passengers through Patagonia (“the most beautiful place on earth”). Marcelo perfected his French during a long stay in France. LANGUAGES: Spanish, English, French.